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lili-oto : The Trouble With Being, The life of an artist in france, visual arts, fine arts, art movement : the new relativity , the art inertial, the new spacetime with the overdetermined time


The trouble with Being

The trouble with Being Born

The trouble with being nothing

The trouble with being in flesh backbone

The trouble with being angel and tyrant

The trouble with seduction

The trouble with education

The trouble with physics

The trouble with mathematics

The trouble with power

The trouble with culture

The trouble with contemporaneity

The trouble with spectacular

The trouble with morality

The trouble with religions

The trouble with gaps

The trouble with Thought

The trouble with elsewhere

The trouble with being a poet

The trouble with being artist

The trouble with being plastic

The trouble with being consumerism

The trouble with being being Lili-oto

The trouble with being art

The trouble with being the Making

The trouble with being being in a latent

The trouble with being to die



Lili-oto affiche Artoong studio exposition variations curvilignes flux contemporain art


The trouble with being being nothing and being born


Tag(s) : #contemporary art
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